Isaiah 62 ( 6 ) Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, have I posted Guardians ;* all the day and all the night, continuously, they will never be silent. ’You who remind Hashem, be not silent!
MUST READ > Why United Jerusalem? by Rafael Haar
Shield of Jerusalem

Psalm 137 ( 1 ) "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat and also wept when we Remembered Zion ”
Psalms 122 ( 3 ) The Built up Jerusalem is like a city that is United together.
Institute of United Jerusalem
A Jerusalem Based: Educational Non-Profit Institute

Guardians Of Zion

Dawning the Shield Of Jerusalem
Rafael Haar; Chief of GOZ Shield # 613

GOZ -The Guardians Of Zion mission is to protect the Children Of Israel (COI) and their eternal sacred right to remain Sovereign over Judaism's Holiest place, Temple Mount. And in our days to facilitate the building of the Third Temple
GOZ-Zion's are Israel’s Spiritual and intellectual Warriors.
GOZ-Zion's Never use the Vernacular of Our Enemies
GOZ stands by; and recognizes the sanctity of the Civil Laws of Jerusalem, Israel.
​Now the Shield of Jerusalem is dawning, in order to promote to the World the verifiable truth about Israel and Judaism. UnitedJerusalem.com; The Website of, Institute of United Jerusalem {IUJ} when completed, will be a major aggregator and facilitator of crucial Data needed to defend Israel against informational warfare and lawfare.
GOZ-Zion’s;The Intellectual Warriors of Israel, are arising, Please-God...
IUJ teaches the correct vernacular, about Israel and Judaism. Only in truthful words will the narrative-reality of history be known!
The mantra that “Settlements are an obstacle to peace” as an example. Here is the response all should know. The map below with explanation explains why, We in the know, realize that “Settlements” do in fact prevent war!
Israel’s right to possess her historic biblical heartland that’s Judea Samaria is unassailable. Those that refer to this territory as the “west bank” do so with prejudice. The Jewish people are the indigenous population of the historical land of Israel. Israel has re-occupied and decolonized her ancestral homeland, starting at her rebirth on May 14, 1948. Thanks G-d.
Understand that there is no Arab Israeli conflict or Israeli Palestinian conflict. Israel exists in a state of war since her rebirth. Israel is the subject of ongoing never ending Islamic Jihadist inspired and initiated warfare aimed at her destruction. The vernacular drives the Narrative, we need to win this narrative warfare. We at IUJ exist to do just that.
To those that advocate the creation of a brand new state of Palestine I ask; From 1949 to 1967 Israel did not control the so-called “west bank” and “Gaza”, no Jews no “settlements” existed in what today the PLO/PA defines as “historic Palestine". Why wasn’t Palestine established during those 19 years? And the answer is self-evident, for there are no Gaza wars or Lebanon wars, Intifadas etc. These are battles in the same war for Israel’s Jewish independence in her ancestral homeland. Let us act and pray for the day when the ideological motivated murder and violence against the Children of Israel ends. Amen